Song of the Week: Week Four

Guess who’s back for another song of the week! I’m really surprised I’ve kept this going this long. But without further ado, this week’s song in none other than… London – Seaway Anyone who knows me knows that Seaway is one of my favourite bands. Since last march, I have seen them twice, and I…

Song of the Week: Week two

So I’m back with another song for another week. This weeks song is: Artist Vs Poet – Unconscious Reality Artist vs Poet started out as an acoustic project, but quickly transformed into a full band. However, the acoustic influence can still be heard in many of their songs. In 2011, the lead singer and drummer…

Current Projects

I have a few things on the go painting – wise. As I said in my last post I want to start selling my paintings this year to make a little extra cash. So I am trying to complete as many aesthetically – pleasing pictures as possible. Most of my work I would consider selling…

Song of the Week: Week One

So I have decided I am going to start doing weekly posts, hopefully every Monday, of a song I am really into at the moment. Each week will feature a different song (hopefully) by a different artist/band. So with no further ado, here is my song for this week: MAKEOUT – Crazy Makeout is a…

My Top 10 Songs for 2017

Throughout the course of 2017, I have discovered quite a bit of new music. I have expanded my music collection majorly and I have decided to make a list of my favourite songs this year. These songs are not all from this year but are ones I have not heard of until this year. 10. Godzilla…