My Top 5 Cat Breeds

Since I had so much fun with my top 5 dog breeds, I thought I’d also do it with cats. Of course, like dogs, I love all breeds of cats. These are just a few of my favourites. 5. Himalayan  I love how fluffy these cats are! and how they kinda look like burnt marshmallows….

Hippie Homemaker Bag #2

If you have been following my blog since the beginning, you would know that I had found this neat little store that sells items made by independent vendors. I purchased this bag called the “Hippie Homemaker.” The contents intrigued me very much. I’ll like that post here if you want to read it. So today I…

My 5 Favourite Dog Breeds

Like most people, I am a huge animal lover. If you’ve read my first blog post, you’d know I live on a small hobby farm with 30 chickens, a dog, and a cat. I used to have 2 jersey bulls as well. I also grew up on a farm that had many other animals including…

Song of the Week: Week Five

This weeks song is by a Canadian band from Vancouver. Any guesses? Dearly Departed – Marianas Trench Marianas Trench formed in 2001 and since then has been releasing, in my opinion, banger albums. The first album has a darker vibe to it, and is mostly based around Josh’s drug addiction and bulimia. It’s my personal…

The Effects of Sexism in Media on Society

Since I received a lot of positive feedback on my last psychology post, I thought I would post another essay I wrote in college. This is not my best research essay, but it gives you something to think about. I wrote this one for my Sociology class. Let me know what you think. Media can…

The Psychology of Horoscopes

Psychology is another of my secret passions. A few months ago, I researched why horoscopes are such a hit with so many people around the world. I wrote an essay about it  for my college Psych class, and I thought I would share to with you. Leave me your thoughts! Horoscopes are a basic form…

My 2018 Reading List

Like most people, I stopped reading books after grade 12 English. I didn’t really have much time last year after high school ended. But this year, I have decided to dive back into yet another one of my past hobbies I abandoned. I don’t plan on reading anything overly difficult, because I don’t see the…

New Year New Things

Now this isn’t one of those New Years resolutions lists, because honestly, I know I’m not going to change. Instead, this is a list of things I want to do or accomplish in the New Year. Some things I think are reasonable. I don’t want to do anything outrageous like climb Mount Everest or go…

Hippie Homemaker Mystery Bag

Today I visited this cute little shop that sells stuff made by independent producers. It has stuff like homemade jewellery, crystals, knitted hats, and a lot of other nifty things. So I went in not planning to buy anything, but I came across this bag and I was very intrigued. The bag was priced at…